the story...
Spexaddict began life back in 2010 as a project aimed at creating a blog with a firm focus on independent eyewear. From those humble beginnings it gradually spawned many new ideas and became the catalyst for the first professional eyewear Facebook group, the Luxury Eyewear Forum. The group has long since been a meeting place for industry experts focused on the growing independent luxury eyewear market.
In 2011, Spexaddict became the North American distributor for the Italian eyewear publication, LYF Magazine. This gorgeous bi-annual feast of lush photography, independent eyewear and cutting edge designers maintains it's reputation as the premier eyewear fashion publication worldwide.
During these formative years we cut our teeth in the fast developing social media landscape, running blogs, building websites, learning new ways to reach customers and honing skills and online communication methods. With a deep background in optics, business management, marketing, customer service and sales, it became obvious that this combined skill set was both uniquely and perfectly adaptable to the rapidly expanding changes in customer engagement through social media.
Since those early days, advances in technology, social media delivery methods, creative tools and the sheer amount of available information online has created a dramatic change in the way companies now reach their end customers. Social media is now the largest growing segment of the advertising equation.
After years of promoting our own endeavors through social media, press and marketing, Spexaddict began taking on outside clients in mid 2015, using our unique expertise to tailor social media and digital marketing to the independent eyewear community. Since then we have grown to represent some of the finest and most successful independent eyewear brands, stores and events.